Occasionally issues can occur in transit, but our support team will do their utmost to correct any that develop and to ensure orders arrive at their intended destination in as swift a manner as possible.
We define a late parcel as one that has not arrived within the dates provided at checkout. If you don’t recall these dates you can find them in your original order confirmation email between the billing information and product details.
A late delivery doesn't mean that your parcel is lost however - it's actually extremely rare for parcels to go completely missing in transit. In the rare event a parcel is declared lost by the carrier, we will be able to provide a full refund or replacement order, depending on your preference and the availability of stock. Declarations of loss can only be made after a certain period of time after shipment; this changes per country but typically the timeframe is 30 working days.
Should a parcel not arrive by the end of the provided delivery window please contact us and we will open an investigation with our shipping partners on your behalf. We will be unable to do so beforehand.
Our shipping partners will then perform a trace for the parcel in their network, providing an update which we will pass on once received. This process usually takes 2-3 working days but we ask that you allow up to 7 for the process to be completed as it can take a little longer at busier times.
We will be unable to investigate a parcel or declare one lost if shipped more than 80 days ago. Please contact us as soon as possible if a parcel is late.
In some situations our support team members may opt to skip the shipping trace portion of this process. They will only do so however if our shipping partners have already advised of potential delays in the same part of the world your parcel is intended for as a trace will not provide any additional news.