We are the world's leader in original classic football shirts, providing only 100% authentic licensed products to football fans everywhere. Our stock ranges from standard replicas to verified match worn shirts; and from brand new to previously used products.
Used products are graded as *Mint* (10), *Excellent* (9/8), *Very Good* (7/6), *Good* (5), or *Fair* (4/3). However, given the subjective nature of these descriptors, it's important to note that they only serve as tools to categorise our listings. We appreciate that one person’s ‘Excellent’ may be another’s ‘Fair,’ and so to ensure transparency, we also provide a detailed list of defects each item may possess.
When assigning grades we consider both the condition and the age of a shirt. For instance, to be labelled ‘excellent’, a newer release would need to possess fewer flaws than an older equivalent.
Although we provide the same descriptions for match worn items, unless defects are severe, they won’t significantly affect the listed prices.
We hope the situation never arises, but in the event of an error or problem with a purchase, please contact us and our customer support team will get back to you as soon as possible.