Got a gap in your collection? Waiting for the one-that-got-away to come back around? This feature is here to help.
Tell us exactly what you’re looking for, and we’ll send you an email as soon as we stock it.
There are a few things we want you to know upfront so there aren’t any surprises:
1. This isn’t a reservation
We’ll notify you as soon as the item becomes available for purchase, but we can’t hold it for you. That means it’s first come, first served. When we send the email, the item is in stock—but due to the unique nature of what we sell, items can sell out quickly, sometimes in seconds. So if you’ve got your eye on something, act fast!
2. Spelling matters
We’ve done our best to restrict the form and prevent common errors, but print requests are tricky. If you request a ‘Zidene’ or ‘Ranaldo’ shirt by mistake, we won’t be able to match it—so double-check before submitting!
3. You’ll need to stay subscribed to marketing emails
To receive notifications, we’ll need to sign you up for our marketing emails. If you’re not keen on that, please don’t submit a request. If you unsubscribe later, you won’t receive updates about your requests.
4. You’ll need to provide an email
While you can technically submit the form without giving us your email (we couldn’t get around this limitation), you won’t receive any notifications without it—obviously!
5. One notification per request
We’ll notify you once per request, and then the request will be deactivated. If you miss the chance to buy or simply can’t purchase at that time, you’ll need to submit a new request to stay updated on future listings. We know this isn’t ideal, but it’s just how this feature works for now.
Finally, please note that this is a service provided by Classic Football Shirts, and we may need to deactivate or limit access to it at times.